What about a virtual Halloween party?
With all this pandemic going around these days and Halloween knocking on our door, how are things gonna work in 2020 for trick-or-treating?
Are you the kind of mom that gets together with other families to spend a nice evening with the moms of your kids' friends while you ladies accompany them from door to door to do their trick-or-treating?
Well, it seems this year won't be the case :(
But what's gonna happen with all the excitement of the previous years, the planning with your kids of what they will wear to impress everybody, the purchase of tons and tons of candies to handle at your door and all the fun around this celebration?
For sure this year will be different, but this is our time and we have to find the way to go with it.
For months people have been gathering over virtual platforms to keep in touch and feel that they are not alone. In some cases it has been a necessity, so they can keep doing their job and getting in touch with their peers and bosses, but arranging virtual calls with friends and family has also sky rocketed due to the pandemic.
In some cases, it has been a nice surprise because for example in my case, I have "seen" many people that for years and years I hadn't talked to and having to communicate this way, has opened a new channel that could have been thought as "obvious", but we didn't use in the past.
So, not everything is as bad as you can think. But it is a reality that we have to adjust to these times and to understand that the more we avoid getting together and partying with friends and family while the virus is not under control, the faster it will get under control.
This doesn't mean that we can't be creative and find different ways to go ahead with our plans.
Halloween is around the corner and you don't want your kids to miss it, so here I leave you with some suggestions to make the date as exciting as always.
1. To start getting you and your children in the Halloween mood, think about decorating your house with the help of your little "ghouls". This year your house will be the central stage where everything (or most of it) will end happening. Try to make it as special as you can, so your children don't start longing the fun of previous years. Take a look at these decoration projects to turn your house into a "haunted house"
2. If you have young kids, organize a costume contest among them. Ask them to keep their costume in secret so it comes as a total surprise for their siblings.
3. Find fun and easy Halloween recipes to prepare with your kids. If they are grown up enough, you can provide them with the recipe, the ingredients and ask them to prepare a Halloween dinner for the family that will keep them entertained for a good amount of time. You can click on the following link to get some original ideas:
60 Delicious Halloween Party Food Ideas
4. Organize a virtual costume contest with your kid's friends and ask them to model their costume in front of the camera, same as if they were on a catwalk. Think about some "spooky" prizes for everybody, with a special emphasis for the winner.
5. What about a Halloween crafts contest. Same as with the food, make your life easy by getting the materials and activities you think your kids would love, and ask them to make their own creations. Here is a link with some easy and fun ideas:
6. You can also organize a family pumpkin carving party. To excite your children, you can tell them that at the end they will be taking a picture of their lantern, to create a "virtual card" to send to all their friends with a "spooky message"
7. If you and your kids enjoy baking, then you can prepare some cute Halloween themed cupcakes. To make things easier for you, bake the cupcakes beforehand and just give the kids the ingredients to decorate their very own scary cupcake. You can get some terrific ideas from the following link, and give them 3 different options to decorate their cupcake.
8. Share the excitement with your kids and disguise yourself for the occasion. Maybe you can also organize a costume contest amongst the moms of your kids' friends. The children can be the judges and days before the contest, you can ask them to prepare a surprise prize for you or the winner. Now, If you don't feel like disguising yourself completely, then you can wear beautiful and original accessories to make the spirit of Halloween be present. At Nueve Sterling, we have a beautiful selection of friendly silver skeletons jewelry, that can help you achieve this goal. Take a look at the link:
In conclusion, celebrating Halloween in a different way doesn't have to be boring. It will depend on you and the way you plan the activities, to make of this celebration a memorable one for you and your family.
You still have good time to organize yourself and plan all your activities, but don't wait too much because you know... time flies.